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1 On this site, we use the terms "lease," "lease agreement," "rental-purchase agreement" and "agreement" the same. (We usually use the term "Lease.") Under your Lease, you can: (a) make 52 weekly payments or exercise an Early Purchase Option to acquire ownership of the rented goods or (b) rent the goods for at least the initial term and then end the Lease when you want by making all required payments and returning the goods.
2 This is your estimated weekly payment if you used your entire spending limit. The spending limit is the total Cash Price of the goods you can lease before tax and shipping. The actual weekly payment may vary depending on how much spending limit you use and will be in your Lease. You can make 52 weekly payments or exercise an early purchase option to acquire ownership of the rented goods. (See your Lease for details.) In NC, the final payment required to purchase the rented goods will be an amount greater than 10% of the Cash Price.